Sunday, March 17, 2019

How to lose weight fast and easy!

You may have trouble of losing weight and fighting the mindset within you to lose weight and reduce some fat from the belly. oh! that struggle buying new clothes to fit in and that shirt showing some extra fat. I know and I have gone through this. Don't worry, sweet grand mom is here to share significant information on how to lose weight and life hack to do so.🔻🔻U

keep in the mind that you are not supposed to lose weight if you are satisfied with your current body with plenty of delicious food and lazy ass on the couch. Yeah! I love that feeling. Rebel Wilson is such a person with romantic aura and contented with her choice.

For those who are hardworking and have high ambition to lose weight and score sexy body. Here the few tips which you need to stick it as your mobile or your beloved things. Promise me that you  will do it and going to get it.. Kidding!! (I like it, I want it and I get it)

The plan outlined here:
·         Reduce your appetite significantly.
·         Make you lose weight quickly, without hunger.
·         Improve your metabolic health at the same time.

1.    Drink plenty of water:

     Water consumption increases weight loss during a hypocaloric diet intervention in middle-aged and older adults. Water consumption acutely reduces meal energy intake among middle-aged and older adults. Pre meal water consumption facilitates weight loss among overweight/obese middle-aged and older adults, and to determine if the ability of premeal water consumption to reduce meal Energy Intake is sustained after a 12-week period of increased water consumption. Many studies support the theory that drinking water is beneficial for weight loss. Also, hydration is key for many factors that play a role in weight loss, including digestion and muscle function. You’ll be too full to finish your dinner.  And that’s a good thing!

2.    Eat pair of egg early Morning:

Here is the good news for egg lover.

Two Eggs in the Morning Can Help You Lose Weight Eggs score high on the Satiety Index Scale, which means they make you feel fuller throughout the day. Eggs are low in calories and fat. They may be small, but each egg is packed full of six grams of protein, as well as all nine essential amino acids which helps to burn calories. Eat egg before Breakfast:

3.    Sex: 

 Perfect! Sex does burn calories. Experts estimate 30 minutes of sex burns 85 to 150 calories. Hypothetically, you need to burn about 1,500 calories to drop a pound of body weight, so if you were using up 100 calories every time you had sex, you could lose one pound if you had sex 15 times.
Keeping in mind that, regular sex and orgasms have plenty of serious health benefits, such as curing insomnia, relieving pain, and reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, and bladder problems, among other things. But don’t overdo it, I am sure there is negative effect. And also, public want lesser population.

4.    Stop drinking soda and junk.

Eat 1-2 cups of veggies before lunch and dinner.
Avoid artificial sweeteners: Many people replace sugar with artificial sweeteners in the belief that this will reduce their calorie intake and cause weight loss. It sounds plausible. Several studies, however, have failed to show any positive effect on weight loss by consuming artificial sweeteners instead of plain sugar.

5.    Avoid Artificial Sweetener:

According to scientific studies, artificial sweeteners can increase appetite and maintain cravings for sweet food. And one recent independent study showed that switching drinks with artificial sweeteners to water clearly helped women lose weight:

6.    Morning walk:

Going for a walk every day, especially when it includes leaving your warm bed on a cold morning, is a difficult task to do. But it’s very important if you are really focused on losing your excess weight. Walking every day helps you burn extra calories. It’s more efficient if you walk before your breakfast. Scientific research shows that walking before breakfast burns more calories from your body fat than after breakfast helping you to lose weight faster. Researchers found that walking at 2mph for around 30 minutes can burn around 75 calories of your body fat while 150 calories can be burned at 4mph.

So, its your choice to sleep on the bed and gain nothing or lose some calories to score ace body!!

7.    Drink Lemon Water:

Lemon water is simply the juice of a lemon mixed with water. It can be served hot or cold and is generally not sweetened. Whenever you go restaurant, canteen or any other cafeteria, keep in mind that drinking tea or cold drinks can  gain your weight ,just order hot lemon or lemonade , people will see you as fresh as well as help to reduce weight and  keep your mind  fresh and detox your body. 
Drink warm lemon juice early in the morning (on an empty stomach) to reduce weight

P.S. These are the few tips I have collected for you to lose weight. All information are collected from good researcher, well published paper and few from my own experience.

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